Umbrella Services
Varchas Accountants have developed competencies in areas that are particularlyimportant to contractors, freelancers and other small limited company owners.
These areas of specialism include limited company incorporations, structuring ofshareholdings to unlock tax efficiencies, tax compliance and any statutory returnsthat need filing.
How we work
Varchas Accountants have staff trained in both customer service and accountancyso they can relay complex information in a simple, straightforward way.
We also work with our affiliate partners to offer a range of additional servicesincluding banking and insurance products.
Cloud-based accountancy technology
Cloud accountancy solutions like Xero and FreeAgent have made big businessaccountancy solutions accessible and affordable for everyone. These low-costtechnologies are perfect for contractors and other micro businesses, giving you easyto understand data that allows you to monitor your finances with little effort.
As qualified accountants and technology experts, Varchas Accountants has beenrecognised as a Champion Partner with Xero and a Premium Partner with FreeAgent.
Why choose Varchas Accountants:
- Contractor, freelancer and small business specialists with morethan 4,000 clients
- Low-cost technology driven accounting solutions
- Xero Champion Partners and a FreeAgent Premium Partner
- Tailored packages made for you
- Free company incorporation
- Unlimited telephone and email support with your accountancy team
- Full support packages for new limited company owners; ourformations team will help you every step of the way
- Cloud-based accounting solutions let you manage your accountsfrom anywhere
- Help finding and securing a business bank accounts and arelevant insurance policy
- One off accountancy jobs like self-assessment
- All-inclusive package with no hidden costs and no surprise bills
- £200 shopping vouchers when you refer a friend*
Benefits of Umbrella contracting:
Working through an umbrella company is often not as tax-efficient as setting up alimited company but it is faster, more flexible and hassle free. These are the mainbenefits of contracting through an umbrella company:
Quick and easy set up
No set-up costs and no lengthy admin processes. If you think that you’ll only becontracting for a short period of time then umbrella contracting is the fastest, mostefficient way to get paid.
Minimal admin
Simply submit a timesheet and your umbrella company will collect your money andpay you, leaving you free to concentrate on more important things.
Don’t worry about IR35
If you are caught by IR35, there may be nothing to gain by setting up a limitedcompany. Working through an umbrella company is easier, fully compliant and youget extra perks, like full statutory employment rights.
Quick and easy exit process
Once you have completed your assignment, leaving an umbrella company is quickand painless. You simply request a P45 to end your employment.
Recent HMRC rule changes mean that it is harder for umbrella employees to claimexpenses, but workers who aren’t subject to ‘supervision, direction or control’ byclients, or workers who visit multiple sites in a day, can still claim money back forexpenses like travel, food and accommodation.
These rules are complicated and online tools can be unreliable. It’s a good idea tospeak to an umbrella company to get information or advice about umbrella expenses.
Financial benefits
Operating through an umbrella company can be more financially beneficial thanworking through an agency PAYE.
No tax errors
If you run a limited company, making a mistake on your taxes can be very costly,especially if HMRC audits your previous tax returns. There‘s no need toworry about this when you work through an umbrella company.